
Anna Nesterova, Chairperson of Russian Chapter, Takes Part in 12th BRICS Summit 

17 November 2020

On November 17, the 12th BRICS Summit was held via videoconference under the Russian Chairmanship. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa discussed the current state and prospects of cooperation within BRICS, exchanged views on issues of the international and regional agenda, and summed up the results of the Russian Presidency in BRICS in 2020. 

The event was attended by President of CCI of Russia Sergey Katyrin, Chairman of the State Development Corporation VEB.RF Igor Shuvalov, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Global Rus Trade Anna Nesterova and other speakers. 

Chairperson of the Russian Chapter of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance (WBA) Anna Nesterova reported on the work done and the prospects of cooperation within the BRICS WBA. The initiative of establishing the Alliance was proposed at the First International Women’s Congress of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the BRICS member states in 2017. Three years later, in the framework of the Russian BRICS Chairmanship, the Alliance began its activities. 

Anna noted that women in the BRICS countries have extensive experience in entrepreneurial activity and have established themselves as reliable and responsible partners. Having reached economic “maturity”, women entrepreneurs are ready to establish fruitful international cooperation and thereby contribute to an increase in trade turnover between the BRICS countries. 

Chairperson of the Russian Chapter of the Alliance also emphasized that the work of the BRICS WBA will primarily be developed in such areas as online education and digital literacy, export using online trade channels, healthcare, food and environmental safety, creative industries and tourism. 

Anna also drew particular attention to the fact that with the help of the Alliance, over 45 million women owning small and medium-sized businesses in the BRICS countries will receive new opportunities for exporting and international cooperation. The Alliance will become a global platform for the promotion of women’s business in the BRICS countries both in the five countries and beyond. 

Vladimir Putin underlined that the creation of the Alliance is a very important and useful initiative in the BRICS countries. The President of Russia expressed confidence that women will play a significant role in the development and revitalization of business cooperation in the five BRICS countries. 

The leaders of Brazil, India, China and South Africa unanimously supported the initiative and noted the importance of the female “component” in the BRICS system.

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