JUNE 2–4, 2024
Moscow, Russia
JUNE 3, 12:10 – 13:50
The statistical data from the BRICS countries show an increase in the number of women occupying key positions in the industrial sector. And the involvement of women in manufacturing business is a driver of economic growth of a country. The session participants will discuss advanced strategies and innovative approaches to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the industrial sector, as well as share best practices and management experience in the field of industry.
Liudmila Shcherbakova, President of Velpharm Group, Head of the BRICS WBA Russian Chapter Working Group on Healthcare.
Cristhine Samorini, President and Financial Director, Findes and CNI (Brazil);
Liu Wenjing, Chairperson of Blue Sail Medical Co.,Ltd. (China);
Deng Lanhua, Chief Representative of Moscow representative office of Triangle Tyre (China);
Dr. Yomna Elsheridy, President of Business Women of Egypt 21 & CEO of Special Food industry International (Egypt);
Rebecca Yohannes Aldo, General Manager of Nopailu Trading PLC (Ethiopia);
Poonam Bafna, Владелец Dreamz Solitair (Proprietor of Dreamz Solitair) (India);
Shella Maela, CEO of Maela Holdings (South Africa).