
Food Security and Agriculture for Ethiopia

Mekides Ashagre
Mekides Ashagre
Ablene Energy Solution

Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) is a clean, eco-friendly fuel made by compressing natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure. Primarily composed of methane, CNG is used as an alternative to gasoline and diesel in vehicles, regardless of farming applications. It significantly reduces harmful emissions, lowers fuel costs, and helps decrease reliance on petroleum products. In relation to farming, CNG can be produced from agricultural waste, providing a sustainable energy source that can power farming equipment and vehicles, while also helping farmers reduce waste and lower energy costs. Additionally, the production of CNG from organic materials generates organic fertilizer as a byproduct, enriching the soil and promoting healthier crops, thus supporting a more sustainable agricultural system and enhancing energy independence.

Target audience:
Small holder farmers, taxi drivers and farmers with farming equipments
Status: In progress
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