
Sustainable Development for Ethiopia

Bezawit Admasu Molaligne
Bezawit Admasu Molaligne

FREELANSIRA is started by BEZAD Solutions PLC. BEZAD Solutions is a company working to create for pressing challenges in our country.
FREELANSIRA a freelance job market platform that connects skilled professionals with businesses seeking their expertise. Freelansira bridges the gap between clients seeking temporary or freelance work and skilled professionals looking for extra income. It serves as an agent between freelancers and clients creating a conducive environment to access quality freelance service in the country. FREELANSIRA is specially creating job opportunities to stay at home professional mothers and professionals at all ages with minimal tech knowledge and skills. We have currently more than 2400 freelancers on our website and aspiring to grow.

Target audience:
Professionals with education and skills that can be used to provide professional freelance services. Freelancers could be people above 18 and within productive age, and women, people with disability and refugee status.
Status: Ongoing project
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