The Entrepreneurs Academy for Girls
Mission Statement:
The Entrepreneurs Academy for Girls empowers women of all ages, across the nation to develop and share their entrepreneurial skills, offering them the opportunity to become teachers, make a positive impact, and earn income through their expertise. This educational project is an initiative of our CEO Johana Aline Padgett, Funder and President of the :CLUB NACIONAL DE MUJERES EMPRENDEDORAS POR HONDURAS ( National Club and Association For Entrepreneur Women of Honduras) CNMEHN.
The Entrepreneurs Academy for Girls is a unique platform aimed at inspiring and empowering girls and women by providing them opportunities not only to learn about entrepreneurship but also to become instructors themselves. Through teaching classes or leading courses in their entrepreneurial fields, participants can share their expertise while developing leadership skills and earning an income.
Program Features:
1. Nationwide Teaching Opportunities:
Girls and women from across the country are given the opportunity to become paid instructors, delivering courses on topics in which they have experience. This model supports both financial empowerment and professional growth for participants.
2. Learning by Teaching:
The Academy’s philosophy is that teaching solidifies knowledge. Participants are encouraged to create and lead classes, which boosts confidence, develops communication skills, and cultivates a community of learning and support.
3. Sponsored Financial Capital:
The Academy is funded by generous sponsorships from businessmen and businesses committed to supporting women in entrepreneurship. This sponsorship model ensures that instructors are compensated and that the Academy remains accessible to all interested girls.
Participants gain real-world experience in teaching, leadership, and business management. This program fosters not only entrepreneurial skills but also financial independence,