ZNHP is a five-year renewable co-operation of the National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ), Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage (MOHACH) and Heritage Conservation Co-op Zimbabwe Trust (HCCZT): A National Priority Project; in a public-private partnership framework (PPP); launched 29 December 2020. Fundamentally, the ZNHP is a stand-alone heritage promotion and protection project; and all of the products and services that we offer are prepared in a Spirit of Humble Gratitude for what Zimbabwe has overcome; particularly between the years 1890 and 1980, during the First and Second Chimurenga Wars of Liberation. The ZNHP is presently self-sustaining, supported in the main by internal well-wisher funds; and it is in urgent need of investment resourcing and support as soon as feasible.
We Co-Create High-Quality, Top-of-the-Range
Analogue/ Digital Educational & Informative
Outputs for All Ages: –
Website Content; E-Learning Products & Services;
Broadcasting Productions for Radio and TV; Audio
Books, concerning which we have so far recorded
the Audio for One Highly Significant,
Zimbabwean Heritage Book (pending Release
with All Permissions); Running Time: approx.
6 hours; Exhibition Content, etc.
Our First Sample/ Demonstration Output is a
Very Favourably-Reviewed Creative, High-
Quality Virtual Tour Film about the Zimbabwe
Military Museum and National Aviation
Museum, GWERU (2021), Pending Release.
(Running Time: 1 hour 55 Minutes).