

Plenary Session «BRICS: Opportunities for Growth and Development»

On June 3, a plenary session “BRICS: Opportunities for Growth and Development”, moderated by Anna Nesterova, Global Chairperson of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance, Founder of the Watchmaking Manufactury “Palekh Watch” was held at the sidelines of the BRICS Women’s Entrepreneurship Forum. We are a platform for dialogue between women entrepreneurs from ten countries, whose Plenary Session «BRICS: Opportunities for Growth and Development»

Global Chairperson of the BRICS WBA Meets with the Ambassador of Egypt in Russia

Global Chairperson of the BRICS WBA Meets with the Ambassador of Egypt in Russia

On March 14, 2024, Anna Nesterova, Chairperson of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance, met with Ambassador Nazih Elnaggary, Ambassador of Egypt to the Russian Federation. During the meeting, Anna Nesterova introduced the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance, told about its activities, goals and objectives, projects and initiatives, as well as plans for the period of the Global Chairperson of the BRICS WBA Meets with the Ambassador of Egypt in Russia

BRICS WBA Russian Chapter’s Business Lunch with the Ambassador of Brazil in Russia

BRICS WBA Russian Chapter's Business Lunch with the Ambassador of Brazil in Russia

On March 13, 2024, the Russian Chapter of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance participated in a business lunch with the Ambassador of Brazil in Russia Rodrigo De Lima Baena Soares. During the meeting, Anna Nesterova, Chairperson of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance, told about the Alliance’s plans for the period of the Russian BRICS Chairship. BRICS WBA Russian Chapter’s Business Lunch with the Ambassador of Brazil in Russia

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