
BRICS WBA Members Discuss Cooperation in Creative Industries and Tourism

20 April 2022
Russia, Russia

Women have unique perspectives, perceptions, and aesthetic appreciation in the cultural and creative fields. Along with the rapid improvement of living standards and the flourishing of the cultural, creative and tourism industry in recent years, the creative IP cultural consumer goods, creative performance services, and fashion industries become new points of economic growth. The advantages of women in culture & creativity and their peripheral industries become further pronounced, with increasing percentages of women entrepreneurs and professionals. 

These issues were actively discussed at the Alliance Working Group Meeting on Creative Industries and Tourism held on April 20, 2022.

Women’s development in the creative and tourism industries is confronted with the dual impacts of pandemic and a grim and complex world economy. With the cooperation initiatives Alliance members hope to unite partners of each member country to provide more cooperation opportunities and local support for women through a series of technological cooperation, experience sharing, and project implementation: 

First, leverage digital collaboration within the BRICS to accelerate the establishment of digital commerce, and lower the thresholds of employment and commercialization of entrepreneurial projects for women in the cultural and creative industries through e-commerce, short videos and social media. 

Second, strengthen exchange and cooperation on creative products and performances in culture, creativity and tourism industries across the BRICS, and jointly explore women entrepreneurial projects in the cultural and creative industries. 

Finally, promote women’s folk products and services in culture, creativity and tourism industries via multiple channels. 

Comments specifically for tourism and transportation were made by Russia. 

With tourism of all kinds booming around the world, safety is an essential factor for the development of tourism and transportation. However, India, China, Brazil, and Russia have the greatest number of deaths related to traffic. 

In this regard, it is suggested to: 

  • Analyze national standards and regulations of the BRICS countries in the field of safety, including fire protection of transport infrastructure; 
  • Develop common approaches, unified regulations, and standards that take into account the local features of BRICS countries to accelerate the process of new technology introduction in terms of fire safety; 
  • Introduce necessary standards and procedures in the absence of national and international standards; 
  • Announce mutual recognition of product certificates and requirements of national standards for BRICS countries.
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