A Special Session was organised by the Russian Chapter on “Establishment of BRICS Organic Farming Association: Towards Sustainable Future” on May 27th 2021. More than 20 experts from all five BRICS countries participated in the panel discussion, shared their experiences with regard to organic farming in their countries and unanimously supported the establishment of the BRICS Organic Farming Association.
The Association will focus on sharing experience and best practices in adopting organic farming systems, supporting educational and research programs in the field of organic farming, training small and medium farmers to improve food sustainability through smart, clean and efficient technologies. Training and technology ultimately aim to address food quality of the BRICS nations and provide means to access better markets.
The Russian Chapter of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance proposes to focus on the following key areas of the BRICS Organic Farming Association:
- Sharing best practices: Improving the quality of food in agricultural products, increasing the productivity of agricultural production, ensuring the efficient use of natural resources, combining traditional production methods with modern production technologies, improving the quality of life of producers, consumers and society, etc.
- Digital agriculture: Training small and medium farmers to improve food sustainability through smart, clean and efficient technologies
- Access to global agricultural market via e-commerce channels
- Specific agro skills development: Training in accordance with international standards and mutual recognition of standards, etc.
In addition, discussions were held on the next steps in terms of initiating discussion on developing common standards of organic products in BRICS countries, initiating certification programmes/capacity building programmes, easing flow of organic products between our countries, single window platform for information sharing etc.