
Energy Literacy

Country: Russia
Status: Supported project

The goal of the project “ENERGY LITERACY” is to raise awareness among the female population of the BRICS countries regarding the effective use of resources, including:

  • information sharing about the methods and possibilities of clean energy, the effect of “brown” energy on human health and the environment;
  • development of specialized platforms to unite women of the BRICS countries in order to create opportunities for joint communication, experience and knowledge exchange;
  • establishment of environmentally friendly practices in households (through women);
  • increasing the level of entrepreneurship among women (informing about Sustainable Development Goals practices and raising awareness about social businesses and opportunities to support women’s initiatives and entrepreneurship).

Project objectives:

  • Infrastructure development for transfer of knowledge;
  • Knowledge & methodologies exchange between BRICS countries;
  • Training of school students, students, teachers & housewives;
  • Development and distribution of tutorial materials;
  • Development of financing programs of green and social entrepreneurship;
  • Development and distribution of games on energy efficiency and energy saving.

Project’s leader:

Tamara Merebashvili, Member of the Management Board, Head of the Corporate and Property Matters Center of Inter RAO.
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